Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Nature Walk

Last night me and my friend Tallie went on a Walk to the Nature park near my home, Which has been my choice for subjects before. I love it there because every time I go back there is something new in bloom. So I got a few good Nature pictures and a few candid s of Tallie as well. It was almost Sunset when we were there, I was glad because I hant done much in that lighting. I was disappointed however that I did not have the proper equipment to take pictures of the super moon that happened  last night. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Random things at the Shop.

While I was at my dads machine shopping getting tools to complete a project I decided he had some cool things to take pictures of. So I decided to do them all in black and white to give them the cooler feeling like metal.

Fathers Day Weekend Cont.

Well we ( Me and my brother ward) finished my dads fathers day surprise. It turned out good. My dad hasn't seen it yet he will when he gets home this afternoon.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fathers Day Weekend.

This weekend while my father is out camping I am going to finish a much delayed project I have been doing for him. Last Christmas I made my Parents a sign for the end of their drive way. So this weekend with the help of my brother, we are going to make a structure and hang it. Then when my dad Jason comes home from camping he'll have a nice surprise. 

Here is a picture I took of it when it was almost finished.

Sorry its so big I couldn't get it to re-size. 

Along with this I am also making him some Pecan Bars. I'll post finished pictures of both soon.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


This weekend my little brother Garret graduated High School. At the dinner before I got some snapshots of my siblings...

My Twin Ward and  Garret.

Garret and my older sister Danielle.

I also got one of Garret and his girlfriend Jordy.

and one of my little nephew Tanner.....

And because it was graduation here is one of my parents ,Jason and Diane, with Garret after the Ceremony.