Thursday, December 18, 2014

Work in Progress.

So I have been to sick to venture out and take pictures, but that does not mean I haven't been being creative. As I mentioned before I have started going to college to become a Graphic Designer. So over winter break I have been working on a children's book idea. The Main characters name is Garret Adams, and he is based on my little brother Garret. I don't quiet have the storyline down yet, but I have started the artwork. As you will see it is a space themed book where the character travels to different planets on adventures. Here are a few that I have done so far.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Gentry Family Photo's 2014

                Once again it was time to take pictures for this cute little family. You may recognize the park from my last session. The Gentry's live so close to it, and it was beautiful. I actually took these back in October, but they ask for me to save them for Christmas.

Monday, October 20, 2014

My friend Anna.

Me and Anna have been friends for 15 years starting when her parents bought my grandparents house. This weekend we got together so I could snap a few of her, we are going to do a few more next weekend. So here were my favorites from the session.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Carlie at Hunting Camp

Here is my niece Carlie while we were out at camp. She loves having her photo taken.

Hunting Camp 2014

Every year my family goes to hunting camp in northern Idaho a few hours away from where my parents live. They take pack horses and set up wall tents depending on the year the camp is pretty full. I haven't been able to go for a few years but was able to go for three nights this year. This year in camp we had 20 people 9 dogs 3 mules and 1 horse. Here are a few of the photos I took. I won't be posting any candids because I am fought in a few of them and I look horrible.