Monday, January 20, 2014

Vacation Sight Seeing!

Here are some of the photos I took on the trip. it was Early in the morning and freezing. I would like to go back in the summer sometime because I bet the Gorge would be beautiful with all the desert colors.

My Vacation!

Just this last weekend I took a few extra days off of work to travel to Twin Falls Idaho with my friend Tallie. We went to Twin to see my childhood friend Mya.  Me and Mya have kept in contact for 13 years. This was the first time  I have seen her since the fifth grade. It was also nice to get out of town with Tallie and do some shopping. I did not get to take many scenery pictures as I had hoped for. Here are Just the pictures of us on the trip. I will post the Scenery one's in another post. We had a lot of fun and even got dressed up fancy for dinner one night.


Mya and her boys.

Mya and I.

Tallie under the bridge.

Me in the car, Selfie!



Saturday, January 4, 2014

William Roy

Today I got the wonderful pleasure of watching my new nephew William Roy Cochrell. He was fun and adorable. The lighting in my house was poor so I didn't get that many photo's, that and he was kinda cranky today. I will take more soon at ward and Chrissy's house. Here are the one's that I did get. I am excited because the second edition to the book I have been ready arrived and it has tips on taking baby portraits.