Monday, November 30, 2015

Garret and Jordana Christmas 2015

So this weekend was Thanksgiving weekend and all of my family was home, including my little brother and his girlfriend. They needed a picture for their Christmas cards so we went out and took one. Unfortunately it was about 20 degrees out and freezing. The sun was also very contrasting with the skiff of snow that was on the ground. So I had a hard time finding a spot that wasn't to dark or to bright. So here is what I came up with. Still haven't heard back on wether or not they liked them.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tallie's Senior Pictures

So in my last post I had mentioned this weekend I got to hang out with my two best friends Tallie and Anna, in the last post I showed the pictures I did for Anna just for fun. This post will be about Tallie, she is graduating from U of I this December and needed senior pictures done. These are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!

My friend Anna.

This weekend I was able to spend some time in beautiful Moscow with my two best friends. While I was up there each needed pictures done for different reasons. Anna who is in the pictures I will post in this blog, has lost weight and needed some new pictures just for fun. Here are my favorites. Unfortunately I didn't get that many because I was completely unprepared, I learned a few things, always make sure you pack a memory card and make sure your camera really did charge. Otherwise you will be like me and have to go buy one and have your camera die after you hiked to a specific spot. So next weekend we will be taking a few more. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Evening walk in the park.

Last night me and my husband David, whom I did my last blog about, went for a walk in our local park. There are lots of beautiful parks in lewiston but this one is my favorite and of course you have seen me take pictures there before. My favorite shots where the one's of the bunnies, two separate rabbits and the image of the tunnel with the apples at the bottom. For some reason this reminds me of into the woods, or little red riding hood. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

David Myers

This evening I had the honor of photographing my handsome husband. He is working on a portfolio site for his web development site, so he needed head shots so to speak. We went out to Hells Gate State Park here in Lewiston ID. It was that perfect time of the day and I think they turned out wonderfully. Here are a few of my favorites.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Larson Family Pictures 2015

Sorry it has been so long since I have been on here. With school and work and summer the time flies by so fast.This cute little family has grown since I last did family pictures for them.  little kids are always a challenge when taking photos, next time I will bring someone to distract him, so we could get him to look as the camera. However, they are always fun and have cute ideas.

My Favorite!