Friday, June 24, 2016

Mark Holt 2016

Last night I got a chance to take pictures again for a close family friend Mark Holt. He is a musician and travels all over to preform. It was awesome to listen to him play his guitar as I took shots. I am only posting a few from the fifty some that turned out, just so the rest are a surprise. Here are a few of my favorites. We went all over the town last night, even into some scary downtown places for just the right look. Overall my favorites are the coral wall ones and the ones taken with the chair.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mikalah and Emily.

This is my friend Kayla and her beautiful little girl Emily. I have known Kayla almost all of my life. We don't see each other very often but when we do we pick right back up where we left off. She is a single mom and works her skinny little butt off to provide and make a wonderful life for Em. I am so proud of her and it was an honor to take these pictures for her. I took these out at Spalding park. I thought more flowers would be in bloom but the Lewiston heat had already killed them off, regardless I am happy with them. 

Tallies Fairytale Session.

Tallie was kind enough to help me with a school project a month or so ago. We did a themed session and went with fairytale. It was a lot of fun. I took these at the Vets Home Park. Its a beautiful park and always offers some great spots for pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoy.

What I have been up to lately.

Seems like forever since I have updated either of my blogs. I have been crazy busy. First with the end of semester, then we moved again to a new and much larger place, and now I am working full time. It hasn't left me with a lot of time to be creative. I did have a chance during the school semester to take a few pictures sessions. I did one for my photography class, which if you can believe it I hated. It felt to structured and basic. The one I did for that class I had the help of my good friend Tallie whom I have taken pictures for before. We decided to do a themed photo shoot so we went for a fairytale theme. The other set that I did was for a friend from high school and her daughter. We did a mother daughter shoot and I could not have had more beautiful subjects.

I have a photoshoot I am doing tomorrow and I am super excited. I have done pictures for him before when he did the Subaru shoot years ago. His name is mark and he needs new PR pictures done. Its going to be great.

As far as being more creative goes from my last post, I have been trying. I have been cooking a lot more. New recipes, ones that are challenging and something that I never thought to try. I am enjoying my new large kitchen very much just for that reason. I have also been working to finish my book. It has only been a year since I started it and I am so close to the end I can taste it. But once I finish then I get to do a rewrite and have it edited. Those things scare me because then someone will have to read it and critique it. I just have to remember that its something I created, something that makes me feel powerful and worthwhile, if only one other person ever likes it then I will feel like my job is done. So I guess that about wraps it up. I will post my sessions today in their own posts so you can see what I have been up to.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Being more creative.

So this post will not be about my talents or lack thereof in photography. I wanted to just take a minute and talk about the creative process. Some of you may know I used to draw a lot, and take way more pictures. However for the last few years I have never felt creative enough to do it. I think it was the atmosphere of our last house. It was just to dark and a little depressing. Well fortunately we have moved into a small quiet little house, without any super close neighbors. So this week, now that I have the house clean and a moment to myself I started to think about art work and how I have been being creative. I will start to paint and draw again soon. Recently though I have been putting my creative mind elsewhere.

Some of you know that I have been working on a book. I will not give the title or what its really about, because I am not sure which way I want to go about publishing it yet. I will tell you though that its about love, murder a little bit of stalking and deep family secrets. I have been writing short stories for years and finally convinced myself I could pursue a novel. Well I am glad to say that it is almost finished and soon I will being the rough journey of getting it published. Of course I will start another book right away. (Or maybe I already have. :) )

Anyways I have come to realize  through this journey that creativity doesn't always come out in the same form. I may have stopped doing art but I have started doing something else I love.

Most of my writing has been done at the kitchen table crowded and uninspired because of the mess. This weekend though I finally got my own desk, and I love it. I sit here typing this, looking out the window and enjoying our beautiful Saturday. Even though its February it feels like April.

Here is my new work space. :) Sorry its half on the carpet half on the linoleum. While the heater is running I have to have the table pulled out and I can't move the desk over any further. So for all of you OCD people as soon as it gets warm it will be fixed, or until I come up with a better layout for my furniture.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope something creative inspires you.