Saturday, February 20, 2016

Being more creative.

So this post will not be about my talents or lack thereof in photography. I wanted to just take a minute and talk about the creative process. Some of you may know I used to draw a lot, and take way more pictures. However for the last few years I have never felt creative enough to do it. I think it was the atmosphere of our last house. It was just to dark and a little depressing. Well fortunately we have moved into a small quiet little house, without any super close neighbors. So this week, now that I have the house clean and a moment to myself I started to think about art work and how I have been being creative. I will start to paint and draw again soon. Recently though I have been putting my creative mind elsewhere.

Some of you know that I have been working on a book. I will not give the title or what its really about, because I am not sure which way I want to go about publishing it yet. I will tell you though that its about love, murder a little bit of stalking and deep family secrets. I have been writing short stories for years and finally convinced myself I could pursue a novel. Well I am glad to say that it is almost finished and soon I will being the rough journey of getting it published. Of course I will start another book right away. (Or maybe I already have. :) )

Anyways I have come to realize  through this journey that creativity doesn't always come out in the same form. I may have stopped doing art but I have started doing something else I love.

Most of my writing has been done at the kitchen table crowded and uninspired because of the mess. This weekend though I finally got my own desk, and I love it. I sit here typing this, looking out the window and enjoying our beautiful Saturday. Even though its February it feels like April.

Here is my new work space. :) Sorry its half on the carpet half on the linoleum. While the heater is running I have to have the table pulled out and I can't move the desk over any further. So for all of you OCD people as soon as it gets warm it will be fixed, or until I come up with a better layout for my furniture.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope something creative inspires you.