Sunday, July 28, 2013

Myself Via Tallie Gentry

I have started a tradition that every year for my wedding anniversary I am going to take a photo in my Wedding Dress. Just to show how I have changed over the years. I am going to take them somewhere that is important to me and my husband.  So this was my first year. We took these at a place we went on our first date. We got lost in a field, in the dark, wheat in our shoes and I talked way to much, like I do when i get nervous. I didn't want to attempt self portraits so I had my best friend Tallie help me this year. She is trying to get into amateur photography.  So Today I will show you a picture of me on my Wedding Day last year. 8/4/12. And then the rest are all from today.

Yep I chopped my hair off and went brunette... lol I actually wish I had my hair that way on my Wedding Day.

This one is my favorite.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Aunt Janet's Flowers.

This last weekend I went on a small road trip with my mother Diane, my Grandma Mary and my Aunt Tama to my other Aunt Janet's House.  We spent the weekend with some of my cousins, going to a play and the farmers market in her town. I did have my camera with me but didn't want to spend my whole vacation taking pictures. So I only took a few of her flowers.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mark and Angie

In my last post I had mentioned that I had done a session for a couple. Here are a few of my favorites from that session. The session was mostly focused on Mark for a project that he is working on. Mark travels around the country playing with his band, and Angie is a nurse. It was important to this couple that in some of the photo's we incorporated this things about them. They were very fun to work with. Angie and Mark have been family friends since I was a little girl, So I was very please when they asked me to do this for them. I am looking forward to doing some family photo's for them this fall.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Around Lewiston

As I have previously mentioned I live in a town called Lewiston. I have done a few recent photography sessions around town and captured a few good backgrounds.  I would include the sessions as well but I am waiting to hear back from the client which ones I am allowed to post.

Old Shooting Range

State Senate Office

Saturday, July 6, 2013


So this weekend I had a wonderful time house sitting for my husbands Aunt and Uncle... They live in the country and have lots of animals. Of course my favorite subject of them all was the horses. Horses have always been a hard subject for me, in photography and in my art. I would have liked to have spent more time with them but I couldn't. So here are a few of my favorites.