Sunday, July 28, 2013

Myself Via Tallie Gentry

I have started a tradition that every year for my wedding anniversary I am going to take a photo in my Wedding Dress. Just to show how I have changed over the years. I am going to take them somewhere that is important to me and my husband.  So this was my first year. We took these at a place we went on our first date. We got lost in a field, in the dark, wheat in our shoes and I talked way to much, like I do when i get nervous. I didn't want to attempt self portraits so I had my best friend Tallie help me this year. She is trying to get into amateur photography.  So Today I will show you a picture of me on my Wedding Day last year. 8/4/12. And then the rest are all from today.

Yep I chopped my hair off and went brunette... lol I actually wish I had my hair that way on my Wedding Day.

This one is my favorite.

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