Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jeremy and Teegra's Engagment Session

This evening I had the wonderful pleasure of taking engagement photo's for a friend from High School, Jeremy and his Fiance Teegra. The have been together four years and the wedding is next month. This was my first engagement session so I defiantly took notes on what I would do different.  These were actually taken at the same park that they are having the wedding at. It was a beautiful night.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mid and Kelly's Wedding.

So this last weekend I had the pleasure of helping some friends by doing the photo's at their small beach wedding. I have not done any weddings before so this was great practice for me. Normally I am more involved with scenery or animals. It was very fun as they are both wonderful people. If I had to do it over again, an assistant would have been nice. Just to move hair and bring me water. The wind was really bad and it was so hot.  I also would have brought an extra SD Card, I almost ran out of room and had to choose wisely near the end. I don't like to do that I would rather just click away. Anyways here are just a few of them .

The Rings:

The Decor:

The Bridal Party:

The Ceremony:

And of course, The Bride and Groom:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weitas Creek 2013

Here are some of the  one's I had more focus on photography wise during my camping trip.   I took some portraits of my Niece Carlie, who is a complete attention hog once a camera comes out.  Then there are a few of he beautiful scenery I got to enjoy.

Weitas Creek Camping Trip 2013

So this last week I have been on vacation. Me and my husband Davey went camping to one of my family's regular spots. We got to go with my parents,Jason and Diane, my niece Carlie, my little brother Garret and his girlfriend Jordy, my other brother Ward and his wife Chrissy, and my Uncle Bob and cousin Sammy. It was so much fun. Hiking ,Fishing, Swimming eating camp food prepared by my mom.My husband had never been out there before so it was lots of fun to share all my Childhood memories. Here are some of just my candid photos. I'll post the one's I was more serious about in my next blog.