Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mid and Kelly's Wedding.

So this last weekend I had the pleasure of helping some friends by doing the photo's at their small beach wedding. I have not done any weddings before so this was great practice for me. Normally I am more involved with scenery or animals. It was very fun as they are both wonderful people. If I had to do it over again, an assistant would have been nice. Just to move hair and bring me water. The wind was really bad and it was so hot.  I also would have brought an extra SD Card, I almost ran out of room and had to choose wisely near the end. I don't like to do that I would rather just click away. Anyways here are just a few of them .

The Rings:

The Decor:

The Bridal Party:

The Ceremony:

And of course, The Bride and Groom:

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