Saturday, November 30, 2013


Well I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did. Me and my husband David drove to my parents house, with my grandmother along for the ride. We were only there for a little while but it was nice to see family. I took my Camera of course but didn't take a lot of pictures. I told my mom before she put all the food on the table I wanted to get some pictures. She wasn't pleased at this but gave me a minute. So here are some of the dishes we had among lots of others. I have never really tried food photography and would be more interested in it. I know I have read articles about all the funky things they do to the food to make it look irresistible.  I will have to read more before my next food photography adventure.

Candy Yams

Deviled Eggs


Brussels Sprouts a la BLT


Rolls and Mashed potatoes.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gentry Family Fall 2013

Today I was so excited the weather decided to stay nice, freezing but nice.  This morning I went to Moscow to photograph my friend Tallie and her family, Randy and Alyssa, for their fall pictures.  We went to the local campus as it is Thanksgiving  break and deserted. It was beautiful there. I love the architecture and the fact that you don't have to go far to find a great backdrop.  It was hard not to end up with red faces because of the cold, 28 degrees. Alyssa was a trooper though. So here they are!