Saturday, November 30, 2013


Well I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did. Me and my husband David drove to my parents house, with my grandmother along for the ride. We were only there for a little while but it was nice to see family. I took my Camera of course but didn't take a lot of pictures. I told my mom before she put all the food on the table I wanted to get some pictures. She wasn't pleased at this but gave me a minute. So here are some of the dishes we had among lots of others. I have never really tried food photography and would be more interested in it. I know I have read articles about all the funky things they do to the food to make it look irresistible.  I will have to read more before my next food photography adventure.

Candy Yams

Deviled Eggs


Brussels Sprouts a la BLT


Rolls and Mashed potatoes.

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