Sunday, December 29, 2013


So after getting my new book yesterday " The Digital Photography Book" and reading some of the many tips. I really wanted to go try taking pictures at night.  Granted when we got out the the top of the ridge and it was freezing and we could hear some unwanted creatures, I was second guessing my urges. Here is what I came up with. They are not as clear as I would like, probably from not having a long lens. (Hopefully in the future.) The tips I followed was of course using my tripod, I don't have a remote release so I used the timer on my camera, to eliminate the risk of shaking your camera.  I also sharpened all my images in my edit program. When it warms up outside I will be trying more.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jadan's Senior Session

Earlier today I did part one of a Senior Session. I have know this young man for a long time, but I feel like I get to know people better when I am taking their photo. Maybe its watching their expressions go from serious to laughter and that twinkle change in their eyes. Even though it was snowy and cold I still ended up with 60 shots that I loved. But of course I'll just put a few of my favorite up for today. I am thankful my little brother Garret, who came with me today. He made a good distraction. We did all of these at Jadan's home, he had a lot of great backgrounds.  When we do the second set, I'll post them. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Time

 First off, Sorry it has been so long since I have been on. It has been a crazy month. My Brother Ward and his wife Chrissy had their baby. His name is William  Roy Cochrell. He is super chunky and a mini version of my brother. Hopefully soon I can do some newborn photo's for them. I have been prepping for Christmas and just now realized my page was still decorated for Thanksgiving but its changed now for a few short weeks. We also just got our first real snow of the year, looks like we might have a white Christmas! Yay! I want to do some outdoor snowy night photo's soon. Last night it was gorgeous out, the sky was pink and the trees dusted.... maybe soon I can capture that kind of moment.  But for tonight, because I haven't done much lately. Here are some close up  shots of some of our Christmas decorations.