Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Time

 First off, Sorry it has been so long since I have been on. It has been a crazy month. My Brother Ward and his wife Chrissy had their baby. His name is William  Roy Cochrell. He is super chunky and a mini version of my brother. Hopefully soon I can do some newborn photo's for them. I have been prepping for Christmas and just now realized my page was still decorated for Thanksgiving but its changed now for a few short weeks. We also just got our first real snow of the year, looks like we might have a white Christmas! Yay! I want to do some outdoor snowy night photo's soon. Last night it was gorgeous out, the sky was pink and the trees dusted.... maybe soon I can capture that kind of moment.  But for tonight, because I haven't done much lately. Here are some close up  shots of some of our Christmas decorations.

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