Monday, June 30, 2014

Ready for the Art Walk

I  am almost prepared for Lewiston's annual Art Walk, this year I wanted to have some pictures put on Canvas to try to sell. I had to have at least three pieces to show so I did three photos, some you might recognize. I might still do more, or maybe paint a few pieces for it.

Here is a link to the event. It always a lot of fun.  

And here are my canvases. Two are 18x24 and the Sunset is 12x30

Pregnancy Announcement.

Its no lie you learn something new everyday. I took a quick photo fro a freind to announce their pregnancy. When I got home and put the pictures on my brand new Macbook Pro, :) i noticed they were blurry. Turned out alright but nothing I am proud to say I took. My lens was dirty, it had a nice smear on it. Needless to say always check your lens, I know I will.

Here you can see for yourself, it undeniably blurry.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Home projects.

The last few weeks I have started doing some home projects to organize my home and make it look more my style. I used to have this horrible TV stand that was low and black and the doors would fall off. :( So because I couldn't afford a new 200.00 dollar one I went to the local thrift store and found one for 12.00, then I painted it.

Much better! I also have a wine rack i will be painting the gray sage color to go next to it. We are getting a new couch next month and I didn't want so much brown in my living room horrible pictures I 

Next I needed to tackle my fridge, I used to have way to many old pictures and horrible cheap magnets or one's iH vae gotten free from vendors. It was a mess, So I made these. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Family Session! Kenzie and Shawn.

Yesterday Morning I drove to Orofino to take pictures for a friend I have known forever. Her family has always meant a lot to me. Kenzie and her finance Sean were up from Nevada visiting and I didn't want to miss the chance to get some shots of  of them and their beautiful daughter, Shaylin. Neither of us really knew where to go in Orofino but Kenzie wanted to try Tunnel Pond. I think they turned out awesome. So here they are.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


So here are just a few cute shots I got this weekend. One is of my beautiful sister and Danielle and the other of Alissa May whom you may recognize from earlier sessions.

William Roy

These are just a few shots of my nephew Willy. I have been at my brothers a lot recently helping with some renovations and attending graduations. The last time I posted some of him he was two months old. He has changed looks a lot.