Monday, August 25, 2014

Bradley's Senior Session

Last night I had an awesome time with an old friend Dawna and her son Brad. We went all over town taking his senior pictures. He is a very handsome young man and very photogenic. It was a huge success and an awesome pleasure to do this for him. I can't wait to do her family pictures for her this fall. Here are some of my favorites. I think all of the books I have been reading are starting to pay off. I did have a few lighting issues when we were by the creek and by the river one was to dark and one had to much sun. I know what I would do different next time but I think there were a few they were both very happy with.

Monday, August 18, 2014

A day in the Canyon.

Sorry it has been so long since I have been on here. I have been preparing for school which I start next monday. Finally going to get that Graphic Design degree. I have a fun and busy summer and hope you have to. Today me, my husband, my mother and father in law and my brother in law went to the Canyon. We went there last year and I did some photos. It was right after I got my new Camera. This time when we went I was sick and had to leave before everyone else, there has been a bug going around. The 100 degree weather probably didn't help. But here are some of the photos I captured today. Everything is so dry. Now you can understand why we have so many fires. Some of them are smokey and makes them a little blurry.
 These are the fields from across the canyon. Used my new lens, love how far it zooms. To bad I didn't see any wildlife.

This is the farm from the photo above when I zoomed in.

This one is my Favorite.