Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Musgrave Family Photo 2013

The Next family session is my Sister Danielle and Her Family. Nate The boyfriend and the Kids Carlie, Tanner and Jackson. I just did Jackson's  New Born photo's a few weeks ago. I have never done a family of five before and it was way harder than I thought, especially with an active almost three year old. The day had started off beautiful and then the weather started to change on us. So the pictures turned out more gloomy than I had aimed for. The kids look so much alike, like my sister and my mother. We had fun though and I got some good individual photo's of the group and Dani and Nate together.

Mother Daughter Portraits.

In this next set you will all recognize my friend Tallie in these next Photos. While she had me handy this week as well, we did some simple mother daughter photo's with her daughter Alissa. They are both adorable and fun to take photo's of. these were done at her fathers house. He has a lot of good focal points. Wade her father jumped in to run the tractor.....

Cochrell Maternity Session

This weekend was a very busy one for me. I took my Grandmother up to my parents for the weekend. We originally went up for my sister in law Chrissy's baby shower, but I had a very large agenda by the end. I took My brother Ward and his wife Christina's Maternity Photo's. She has less than five weeks left and they are naming him William Roy Cochrell.  My Grandfathers name was Roy and both of Chrissy's Grandfathers names were William, So he has large shoes to fill. I loved taking these for them because you can just see the love. How much my brother (who is my twin) loves his wife and his soon to be son. Here are few of my Favorites, That were taking in the gully below my parents house.  Enjoy!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Blanchards October 2013

The session I did this evening was for my sister in law ,Chrissy's, sister and her family. Did I make that confusing enough? They are Joe and Ashley Blanchard and their adorable little boys Braden and Bryce.  I have known them for years and was thrilled when they asked if I would do their photo's.  I took them in the same park where I took The Blake Family Pictures earlier in the year. It is such a big park and the views change so much with the seasons, I couldn't help going back there.  Here are a few of my favorites. Today when I was taking them, I thought to myself that I believe my skills are evolving so much since I got my new Camera. It just makes me so much more confident and excited for each new session.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jackson Lee....

Well as I had promised here are my favorites from the photo's I took of my nephew Jackson the last couple days. I had never done a baby this small and it is hard to work around their eating and sleeping schedules and when he wasn't upset about being put down... but he is precious and I hope he is ready for all the times I will make him model for me in the future.