Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring 2014 is finally here.

Today when I woke up the sun was out, now it is down pouring, So I went for a walk. To my surprise some of the trees are in bloom. Here are a few that I took and seemed happy with.

Jackson Lee

This last weekend I went to my sisters. It had felt like forever since I had seen my niece and nephews. While I was there I took some super cute pictures of Jackson. Some of you will remember him from last fall when I  did his baby pictures. He has changed looks a lot. Take a look.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Gluten Free Living Post #2

Hello again! So here are a few more nights worth of meals I made. Because of my husbands work schedule I only really cook dinner about four nights a week, the other nights are fend nights. Where we fend for ourselves. Don't think of me cruel yet. I still prepare meals a head of time for my hubby so all he has to do is get them out and microwave them. This way he inst eating junk all the time. For myself I am easy I could eat salad or soup every night.  So after I made the roast I used the left overs to make one of the next dishes. The second one was a first time thing. It turned out kinda dry but had tons of flavor. next time I will cook it just a little different.

Gluten Free ( Bread) Pork Panini's with sliced apple and Cheddar.

Mongolian Beef with Rice Thai noodles.

I wont have anymore gluten free posts, because we have come to the conclusion that neither of us have that allergy....

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gluten Free Living

Sorry it has been a while since I have been on. Today's post will be more personal than about photography. For the next two weeks I have to live Gluten Free (no wheat ). This may be easy for some but I had no idea how much I ate until I had to go without. To make things easy for me and to help with not cheating I made a two week meal plan and have been cooking them in order every night. So I decided to take pictures and share the meals with you. I am a few days behind and will probably do a post every few days. So here is night number one and night number two. If you see something you would like to try, send me a comment and I can email you the recipes.
1.) Roasted Kale and Chicken with Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese.

2.) Pork Roast and Mashed Baby Reds.