Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gluten Free Living

Sorry it has been a while since I have been on. Today's post will be more personal than about photography. For the next two weeks I have to live Gluten Free (no wheat ). This may be easy for some but I had no idea how much I ate until I had to go without. To make things easy for me and to help with not cheating I made a two week meal plan and have been cooking them in order every night. So I decided to take pictures and share the meals with you. I am a few days behind and will probably do a post every few days. So here is night number one and night number two. If you see something you would like to try, send me a comment and I can email you the recipes.
1.) Roasted Kale and Chicken with Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese.

2.) Pork Roast and Mashed Baby Reds.

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