Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prom Night

Even though my little brother technically got two proms this year, It is his Senior prom. So I thought I would post a candid of him and his beautiful girlfriend Jordana. As you remember I took Garrets Senior Photo's Earlier this Year. Here they are. Enjoy!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekend Session with Tallie Gentry.

Had a wonderful time with my best friend Tallie Gentry this weekend. Tallie had me do some pictures for her. The last time she had some done was in High School when I took her Senior Photos. We also did some Boudoir Photos which are unsuitable for some of my younger viewers, however they turned out beautiful. Take a look.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Walk on the Dike

After work today I walked  on our local Dike. The sun was to bright to get any good photos of the water, but I did get some. After today I am going to budget out a lens meant for far range wildlife. When I was in High School I wanted to Go to Rocky Mountain School of Photography. I had this wonderful dream to someday work for National Geographic. But plans change I am glad to be where I am.  Check out their link they offer awesome weekend workshops, and their teachers are awesome.

Session Pricing

Here are my normal rates.  I do discounts for special occasions and I always have a special. Any questions leave me a comment or call me at 208-305-0646. You can also contact me by email

Travel: The first 30 miles are free, that includes coming and going. After that it is .15 cents per mile.
Special Fees:  
  • A Session that lasts longer then 2 hours will be charge an additional $20.00 per hour.
  • Tax is already included.
  • A disk with your photos is included, Any additional prints may be ordered at cost.

Session Pricing
This is per session. Sessions can last up to 2 hours.

  •  Pets ( Some people's pets are their kids, I get this and would love to take shots of your animals.)

  • Senior Portraits
  • 1 to 2 Children
  • Newborn
  • Maternity
  • Head shots
  • SinglePortraits 
  • Couples Portraits

  • Engagement
  • Glamor Shots
  • Bodiour
  • 3 or more Children 

  • Family Portraits
  • Group Photos

Event Pricing

  • Weddings
  • Special Events

 If you have any questions please contact me. Again my number is 208-305-0646 and my email is


Monday, April 8, 2013

Random Objects

Hi there,

            So today after work the sun was out and beautiful, I had my Camera with me so I decided to take a few pictures of random things... Some at my house and some on the way home. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nature Walk Number Two

He there,

So me and my husband David ( I call him Davey) decided to go recreate the photos I lost today. It was a nice walk for us and I did end up with a few I am happy with.

Some of my Art.


 I wanted to share some of my art with you. I have several pieces for sale on Here are the links if you want to explore. My user name is myersart917.

Saving Your work


          So I was working away on some beautiful photos when BOOM they are gone. They weren't saved to my camera or the computer. I had accidentally cut them. So I Just wanted to remind everyone to Save your work and do so often.

          On a Better note I lied in my last post, I wasn't done posting today.  To help myself become familiar with my camera I started taking random pictures around my home. I have decided that you can tell a story from these images.

The Top photo is from my shelf on the bookshelf and the second is from my husbands.....

 This is a picture of some of my boxes. I collect handmade wooden boxes. These were done by my grandfather.

Gentry Family Photos

The last session I am going to post today is one I did for my best friend in the whole world, Tallie and her Family. I did these at her home in Troy, Idaho  right before Christmas. This was just a; "Hey Rachel bring your camera so i can have a picture for a Christmas card..." thing.

Because of the snow it was really hard not to make everything look so faded and cold. Even though it was really cold that day.
In just a few short weeks, I am going to do a boudoir session for Tallie as an anniversary present for her husband Randy. I will post some less risque photos. I will be very excited to do their next family picture this summer on the beach.

Well I suppose this is enough for now.  The rest of my day will be filled with some house work and and trying a new pork chop recipe.

 Sweet n Spicy Pork Chops!

2       Boneless Pork Chops
2       Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1       Tablespoon finely chopped onion
1       Teaspoon chili powder
1/2    Teaspoon Garlic powder. (I am going to use minced garlic.)
1/2    Teaspoon Mustard

Sprinkle pork chops with salt and pepper to taste, place on foiled lined broiler pan. Broil pork chops for five minutes. Combine ingredients  and spread over pork chops. Broil another  8 to 10 minutes or until juices run clear.

I got this out of Taste of Homes Simple and Delicious cookbook. I love easy for regular nights.  I will be serving this with some fresh green beans and steamed white rice with a little lemon.

Well until next time.

- Rachel.

Maternity Photos

I have also recently took some Maternity photos for my friend Jessi. We worked together for five years, and she is due in about a month. I took These at the same nature park I  tested my Nikon at Yesterday. These were taken right before dusk. It seems like that was the only time we were able to make our schedules work together.

The last one we took indoors, just to try something new. Jessi is wonderful and very photogenic. I just talked with her yesterday to set up a time to redo these with my new camera. I did not feel proud of these because they came out blurry and cold looking.  Now that the weather has changed and its sunny and warm I want to try again and give her something she can have on her wall forever.