Saturday, April 6, 2013


             My blog is currently under construction, so please bear with me. Once I have everything up and running, my goal is to bring you forums and advice on Photography. As someone who started as an amateur and is slowly working towards more professional goals, I hope you enjoy watching me grow as well as learning something in the process.  I have many other passions; Cooking and Painting, don't be surprised to find a lot of those as well.

I just purchased a Brand new Nikon D5200.
There is no paticular reason we purchased from Dell other then This is the first place I found what I was looking for. My Husband is the Tech Guru and helped me make the decision. I haven't yet had a human subject to test it on. I have found that it is more simple to use then I would have expected.
Between rain storms today I took a little nature walk on a path near my home. I was able to use blossoming trees as my victims.

It was a very gloomy day, but none the less beautiful out. Until the next  time.

- Rachel.

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